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Gabrielle Vance, 34, Earth Sciences Doctorate, embodies both the dunce and the Doctor Subtilis.The background information for this cartoon is courtesy of See more cartoons on Instagram @gabrielle_t_v.
Ben Sprenger, 24, pursuing a MSc in Robotics, Systems and Control. He’s practicing his drawing in the event someone ever asks him to “draw them like one of his French girls”.
Gabrielle Vance, 33, is a doctoral student in Earth Sciences who prefers peppers and sauces of 1 000 000 SHUs or fewer. Find more cartoons on Instagram @gabrielle_t_v.
Gabrielle Vance, 33, is a doctoral student in Earth Sciences who prefers peppers and sauces of 1 000 000 SHUs or fewer. Find more cartoons on Instagram @gabrielle_t_v