Read Time:6 Minute, 6 Second von Joanna Wesniuk Was macht uns zu Ausländer*innen oder Inländer*innen? Ist es die Sprache, die Hautfarbe oder der Fakt, auf welcher Seite man bei den Sportmeisterschaften und -wettkämpfen mitfiebert? Sind es die Sitten, die Religion oder die Gewohnheiten? Das Wort …
von Julia Kamml Wassermann Der Wassermann würde gerne mit dem Kopf durch die Wand gehen – das kann weh tun. Er ist rebellisch und eigenwillig und hat nahezu pathologische Bindungsängste. Langeweile ist eine Qual für ihn, lieber hat er zehn…
by Anja Wullschleger Nationality, ethnicity, and cultural background are all considered key traits when it comes to our identity as people. Whether you are proud of your heritage, consider yourself as part of a group, or are passionate when rooting…
von Nicole Frischknecht Mehr als ein Drittel der Studierenden an der ETH kommen aus dem Ausland und immer mehr Schweizer*innen entscheiden sich dafür, ein Semester im Ausland zu verbringen, wenn nicht sogar den ganzen Abschluss an einer ausländischen Universität zu…
by ETH Career Center Question: Lorena, as a career advisor at ETH Career Center you counsel students, PhD’s and postdocs from diverse countries. What is the most common question you’re asked? Lorena: I think the most common question is: “Can…
by Marco Gerber Question: Itzel, Ivan, you both participated in the International Science Olympiads during your time at high school. Tell us more about your experiences. Ivan: I’ve had a great time participating in two International Biology Olympiads in Taiwan…
by Barbara Odermatt Get Ready for Your Future Polymesse is ETH’s largest career fair with more than 140 companies and startups. At Polymesse you will get to know various top national and international employers from all branches. You can make…
by Léa Le Bars We might not be part of Horizon or Erasmus+ anymore, but ETH and VSETH still find ways to collaborate and exchange with other great universities in European countries. Here are two of our current alternatives: IDEA…
Fellow students, dear readers, In my last column, I wrote about our work during the holidays. There isn’t much left of the “undisturbed time” that I mentioned back there: as the semester progresses, the days get fuller with new appointments…
Ben Sprenger, 24, pursuing a MSc in Robotics, Systems and Control. He’s practicing his drawing in the event someone ever asks him to “draw them like one of his French girls”.
Gabrielle Vance, 33, is a doctoral student in Earth Sciences who prefers peppers and sauces of 1 000 000 SHUs or fewer. Find more cartoons on Instagram @gabrielle_t_v.