Read Time:1 Minute, 7 Second Am letzten Aprilwochenende war es endlich so weit: 40 hochmotivierte Tech-Enthusiasten, voller Vorfreude und mit kribbelnden Fingern, machten sich auf den Weg nach Unteriberg (SZ). Ihre Laptops im Gepäck, reservierten sie gleich bei der Ankunft ihre festen Arbeitsplätze für die …
🕑3h for your first one, then 2h 💲~CHF 5.- if you have all the equipment and if you get secondhand pallets for free. Otherwise, 3 new pallets cost around CHF 90.- 👷♀️2 people: You will need a friend, neighbour, sister,…
Spring is upon us, folks – warmer temperatures, tender green leaves on once-bare trees, fields dotted with daisies and dandelions – what a magical time! Adding to an already magical time is this edition of Polykum. Magic has long been…
Fellow students, dear readers, I hope you all enjoyed your Easter holidays! In the second half of the semester, a lot has happened already and we expect more to follow in the upcoming month. May is always an eventful month…
by Ghjulia Sialelli Toni Morrison’s quote, “It’s not possible to constantly hold onto crisis. You have to have the love, you have to have the magic”, speaks volumes to my climate-crisis-concerned soul. My relationship with environmental activism didn’t start with…
The Goetheanum in Dornach SO was constructed in the 1920s according to Rudolf Steiner’s architectural theories. Since then, it has been the seat of the worldwide Anthroposophical Society. Before finding ourselves lost in convoluted semantics, let’s attempt to find some…